Showing 88 Result(s)

Strategy Deployment and the Four Disciplines of Execution

This is another post comparing my views on Strategy Deployment and other approaches. This time the Four Disciplines of Execution (or 4DX), described in the book of the same name. I’d heard about 4DX from a few people over the last years; notably Hakan Forss and Matt Wynne. I finally got around to reading the book, found it immediately useful, …

Strategy Deployment and the Agile Industrial Complex

There has been much debate online, and in particular on Twitter recently, about the imposition of Agile and the Agile Industrial Complex. See Ron Jeffries’ recent blog for more context. It’s an important topic. I have seen plenty of imposed Agile which I would call Incoherent Agile. Agile processes imposed as Best Practice without any coherence or alignment with the …

TASTE Impacts, Outcomes and Outputs

As part of preparing material for the Agendashift and X-Matrix Masterclass I’m running with Mike Burrows next month, I started thinking about how the idea of Impact, Outcome and Output (that blog is from 2012) could be overlaid onto the TASTE approach. Back then I described the relationship between them as: Outputs create Outcomes which have Impact Give the outcome-oriented perspective of …

What is Catchball?

I’ve mentioned and alluded to the Strategy Deployment concept of Catchball in various posts but I’ve never really described what I mean by it. This post is an attempt to fix that. The Metaphor Catchball is a simple metaphor for a collaboration,  where a ball is thrown between people in a way that everyone is involved in the game. As part …

How to use Agendashift with the X-Matrix

I first blogged about my early thoughts on Strategy Deployment and Agendashift nearly two years ago after some early experiments with Mike Burrows’ approach. Since then I’ve learned more, become an Agendashift partner, and co-taught a couple of “Lean-Agile Strategy Days” with Mike in June and October last year. More recently I used some of the elements of Agendashift during an …

Measuring the X-Matrix

Dave Snowden recently posted a series of blog posts on A Sense of Direction, about the use of goals and targets with Cynefin. As the X-Matrix uses measures in two of its sections (Aspirations and Evidence) I found that useful in clarifying my thinking on how I generally approach those areas. Lets start by addressing Dave’s two primary concerns; the …

In the Lap of the Agile Gods

I’ve noticed a lot of conversation recently (mostly on Twitter) debating how prescriptive, or not, we should be when helping teams through an Agile Transformation (i.e. helping them use Agile approaches to be more Agile)? Do we tell teams exactly what to do initially, or allow them complete freedom to figure it out for themselves? Or something else? Worshipping False …

Facilitating an X-Matrix Workshop

I was asked recently for guidance on facilitating a workshop to populate an X-Matrix. My initial response was that I don’t have a fixed approach because its so contextual. It depends on who is in the room, what is already known or decided, what the existing approaches are, how much time we have etc. On reflection though, I realised that …

More on Leader-Leader and Autonomy-Alignment

I had some great feedback about my last post on Strategy Deployment and Leader-Leader from Mike Cottmeyer via Facebook, where he pointed out that my graph overlaying the Leader-Leader and Autonomy-Alignment models could be mis-interpreted. It could suggest that simply increasing alignment/clarity and autonomy/control would result in increased capability. That’s not the case, so I have revised the image to this …

Strategy Deployment and Leader-Leader

This is a continuation my series comparing Strategy Deployment and other approaches, with the intent of showing that there are may ways of approaching it and highlighting the common ground. Leader-Leader is the name David Marquet gives to a model of leadership in his book Turn the Ship Around, which tells the story of his experiences and learnings when he …