More on Leader-Leader and Autonomy-Alignment

I had some great feedback about my last post on Strategy Deployment and Leader-Leader from Mike Cottmeyer via Facebook, where he pointed out that my graph overlaying the Leader-Leader and Autonomy-Alignment models could be mis-interpreted. It could suggest that simply increasing alignment/clarity and autonomy/control would result in increased capability. That’s not the case, so I have revised the image to this one.

What Marquet is describing with the Leader-Leader model is that in order to be able to give people more control, you need to support them by both increasing the clarity of their work, and developing their competence to do the work. Thus, as you increase clarity and competence you can give more control. Competence, therefore is a 3rd dimension to the graph, which we can also call Ability to maintain the alliteration.

  • Increasing Ability leads to more Competence
  • Increasing Alignment leads to more Clarity
  • Increasing Autonomy leads to more Control being given.

The dashed arc is intended to show that increasing on ability/competence and alignment/clarity is required before autonomy/control can be increased.


1 Comment

  1. Interesting. Reading them the other way around also makes sense (to me): competence leads to ability; clarity leads to alignment; delegation leads to autonomy.

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