2013 Year in Blogging

I  received my WordPress 2013 Annual Report a few days ago and there are a couple interesting things I noticed in it.

First, the top 3 most popular posts are all from three years ago, or older. In particular, the most popular post continues to both surprise and please me. Its the “Kanban, Flow and Cadence” post where I first really started to flesh out my thinking on Kanban, and while many of the ideas have moved on significantly since then, I can still find the roots of the current Kanban Thinking model in there. The other two posts, “What is Cadence” and “Fidelity – The Lost Dimension of the Iron Triangle” just surprise me. I’d love to discover what it is about those two posts that keeps bringing people back to them.

Second, I only wrote 12 new posts last year. That’s significantly fewer than I would have liked. Especially as one of them was  a post like this one talking about my 2012 report. In fact, going back and looking at that report I see I wrote 30 posts last year, so very roughly, my writing output has dropped by half. That’s very disappointing and something that I hope to address in 2014. One way I intend to do that is by starting to use 750words.com to help get the writing habit (or even addiction). In fact this post is taken from my first 750words entry. The other way is to get focussed back on my Kanban Thinking book. I’m confident that I’m in a much better position to be able to do that this year and its more than just another wishful hope. I have a method!

Thanks for reading this blog – especially if you are a regular reader! I hope everyone has a successful 2014. Here’s to more blogging over the next 12 months.


  1. Your post on Fidelity is the best out there IMO – it is simple and to the point, and the diagrams are expressive. I love referencing the post, especially in LinkedIn groups, when people get caught up in oversimplified trade-offs between scope, time, & resources.

    I just wish you would rotate the diagrams so that they lined up with the “slicing” axes of “vertical” (scope) vs. “horizontal” (architecture) vs. “depth” (fidelity). At least please consider that for the book (which I eagerly await).

    In general, your pragmatism brings a voice of reason to the Lean-Agile wilderness often marauded by fundamentalists and .

    Also don’t worry about the volume of writing: We have come to value Quality over quantity. That is, while there is value in the item on the right, we value the item on the left more.

    Thank you!

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