Showing 6 Result(s)

Strategy Deployment and Developer Experience

Developer Experience is the perception of developers’ work, with three dimensions. The dimensions can be a useful lens for Strategy Deployment with Agile.

Three Agile Strategies That Will Make A Strong Impact

These three agile strategies address the core challenges that agile is addressing. They are based on the Kanban Thinking Impacts of Flow, Value and Potential.

Clipboard with football strategy and tatics

How to Distinguish Between Strategies and Tactics

A regular discussion topic related to Strategy Deployment is the difference between strategies and tactics. This post explores ways to distinguish the two.

Strategy as Enabling Constraints

In one of my recent presentations, I talk about 3 Cs of “Imposing” Agile; Coherence, Constraints and Curiosity. That idea, along with some of the content made it into a whitepaper I wrote last year. A key part of that, and one of the 3 Cs, is the idea of using constraints, and specifically of strategy as a form of …

Deploying Strategies as Choices

While I don’t claim to have any expertise in strategy development, I do have ideas and opinions on what a good strategy looks like. One important aspect is that strategy is more about choices and decisions, and less about planning and execution. Richard Rumelt describes this in terms of Guiding Policies in his Strategy Kernel (which I described in a …

Crystallising Kanban with Properties, Strategies and Techniques

On the flight out to the Kanban Leadership retreat in Iceland last month, Katherine Kirk and I were chatting about Kanban failure modes that we’ve seen out in the field (e.g. quirky command and control interpretations by people who had not had experience in Agile first), and played with the idea of combining Kanban with Crystal (kind of in the …