Showing 3 Result(s)

Feature Injection, Fidelity and Story Mapping

I’ve recently stumbled into a way of describing mid-range planning with a few teams which combines the language of feature injection, fidelity and story-mapping. As it seems to have been a successful way of communicating how to think about the strategic approach to incrementing and iterating through the work, I thought it would be worth writing down. Before I get …

Trains, Shopping and the Risk of Release Dates

I was recently on a Q&A panel and fielded a question about how to deal with fixed date and scope projects. My response has evolved into a blog post which has just been published on the Rally Coaching Blog. Take a look and find out what the question has to do with trains and shopping!

Fidelity – The Lost Dimension of the Iron Triangle

One the topics that I find a lot of people find particularly interesting and useful is that of Fidelity in software. This generally comes up while I’m talking about incrementing and iterating, and the difference between the two. I’ve already touched on this when discussed whether a Kanban System eschews iteration. This post will build on that, and describe what …