2013 Year in Blogging

I  received my WordPress 2013 Annual Report a few days ago and there are a couple interesting things I noticed in it. First, the top 3 most popular posts are all from three years ago, or older. In particular, the most popular post continues to both surprise and please me. Its the “Kanban, Flow and Cadence” post where I first …

To Method, Or Not To Method, That Is The Question

This post is a result of pondering on a couple of well know quotes in the Lean and Kanban communities, and the relationship, and potential paradox, between the two of them. The first is from W. Edwards Deming: By what method? The second is from Taichi Ohno: Do not codify method. What’s going on here? Is ‘method’ something these two …

Visual Management – Creating A Kanban Multiverse

This is an article I originally wrote for the Management 3.0 site in 2010. As it is no longer available there, I am republishing it here in its original form other than a few minor edits. At the Lean and Kanban Exchange in London in 2009, I was chatting with David Anderson and David Laribee about the possibilities for Kanban …

The LSS Reactor Conference – Tell Us Your Stories

The Lean Systems Society is hosting a conference in Boulder in September, and as part of the event we are capturing stories about people’s experiences with Lean-Systems. This post is to give some more details on what its all about. First, who are the Lean Systems Society? Essentially we are a non-profit organisation trying to bring diverse Lean-Systems thinkers together, …

Agile.FM Podcast: Agile Day NYC and Kanban Thinking

I recently met up with Joe Krebs in London and recorded a podcast with him. Joe is organising the Agile Day NYC conference which I will be speaking at in September (straight after RallyON). As well as the conference, we talked about Kanban Thinking, the subject of my talk there, and the Lean Systems Society Reactor Conference, which is also …

3 Reasons Not To Miss RallyON Europe

In September I’m going to be involved in the second RallyON Europe conference which we are running in London again. This year’s theme is “Scaling an Agile Organisation”, and I expect that it will be another great event. Here are 3 reasons I’m particularly looking forward to it. Bjarte Bogsnes Keynote. I’ve known Bjarte for a few years now, and …

Limiting WIP? Or Containing the Work?

I’ve thought for some time now that WIP limits are a special form of explicit policy – one that is called out specifically because it is a core concept behind kanban systems. That has made be uncomfortable with the third Kanban Thinking heuristic; “Limit (with Policies)”. Limits and policies are a means to an end. What is that end (other …

Agile Central Europe Keynote

I’m really honoured to have been asked to give the closing keynote at this year’s Agile Central Europe conference in Kraków, Poland, 15-16 April 2013. ACE has a strong Kanban theme this year and I am going to ask whether Kanban isn’t just commons sense? Kanban: Isn’t it Just Common Sense? Many problems we are trying to solve in software and product development are …

Agile Toolkit Podcast on Visual Management

Last June I spent the week in Las Vegas at the Agile Development Practices and ended up hanging out with Bob Payne and doing a podcast with him where we talked about visual management techniques, including Visualisation TIPs. Bob has just published that podcast. Enjoy!

Heuristics for Building the Right Thing

On Monday I had the privilege of spending the day with some really smart people. Organised by Gojko Adjic, other attendees included Chris Matts, Henrik Kniberg, Mary and Tom Poppendieck, Gabby Benefield, Jeff Patton, Aaron Sanders and Olaf Lewitz. The theme of the day was exploring how we can help organisations not just build the “thing right”, but build the “right thing”. …