Showing 5 Result(s)

Insights from a Kanban Board

I was working with a team this week, part of which involved reviewing their kanban board and discussing how it was evolving and what they were learning. There was one aspect in particular which generated a number of insights, and is a good example of how visualising work can help make discoveries that you might not otherwise unearth. The board had …

A Model for Creating a Kanban System

This post is a high level overview of the model I use when I think about Kanban Systems. As the saying goes, “all models are wrong, some are useful”. This is what I currently find useful based on working with teams and organisations in recent years. At the heart of the model is Systems Thinking. Without looking at what we …

Evolving a Workflow

Mary Poppendieck gave a talk on Workflow is Orthogonal to Schedule at Agile2009, during which she very neatly transitioned a schedule-focused view of work, into a flow-focussed view. At least I thought it was neat, so I’m going to try and reproduce the basic elements here, using my favourite agile workflow. 4 Week Time-box Schedule Here we have a schedule …

An Agile Workflow

A common topic of discussion around kanban is whether the workflows or stages in a kanban system are counter to the Agile principles of cross functional and collaborative teams.   Its easy to talk about a feature going through the following flow in a kanban system: Analysis –> Build –> Test –> Release which I confess looks very waterfall-ish and I …

Model workflow stages – not people or roles

A recent discussion on the leanagile list compared Scrum and Kanban with respect to team swarming.  The suggestion was that swarming doesn’t occur in kanban due to the way work flows from role to another.  This is a common misconception, leading to the perception that kanban is more like waterfall than agile.  Here’s my response. Firstly: I would say that …