Showing 197 Result(s)
Tensegrity model

Tensegrity as a Fascinating Metaphor For Strategy Deployment

An introduction to tensegrity and an explanation as to why it might be a relevant and interesting way of thinking about strategy deployment.


Why Strategy Deployment? Here Are Three Great Reasons

This post describes the three reasons why you would want to use Strategy Deployment, and what the challenges are that it addresses.

The Best Agile Accounting Approach To CapEx and OpEx

What is the best way of accounting for costs as different types of expenditure for agile development teams? This is the best answer.

How to use Hexis for Powerful Strategy Deployment

A proposal for a Cynefin Company Hexi Method Kit for Strategy Deployment, with an initial idea for what would be on the various Hexis.

Nine Surprising Strategy Deployment Books with Powerful Lessons

This post is a list of recommended books that have influenced my thinking on Strategy Deployment over the years, with links to related posts.

X-Matrix Jigsaw Example

The most important X-Matrix lessons I have learned

A post describing the most important learnings I have had over the many years of using the X-Matrix with Agile Transformation.

Strategy Deployment and Team of Teams

This post is about Strategy Deployment and the book Team of Teams – another great book which has nothing to do with Lean or Agile explicitly but contains some great, relevant stories and lessons.

The Miroverse Now Has An X-Matrix Template

You can now easily create and collaborate an X-Matrix in Miro with a Miroverse template. Read more to discover how to find and use it.

The Ultimate X-Matrix For Your Agile Transformation Is Here

A description of an X-Matrix from an agile transformation I have recently been involved in, and which is something I can publish with some minor tweaking.

3 Amazing Reasons Your Agile Transformation May Go South

What important lessons can we learn from the story of Scott and Amundson’s race to the South Pole that we can apply to an Agile Transformation?