Showing 53 Result(s)

Master Making Strategy Visible At The Kanban Edge

Jim Benson and I will be at Kanban Edge on March 6th in London and are teaching our Making Strategy Visible workshop again the day after the conference.

The Brand New X-Matrix and Collaborative Strategy Course

Over the last few months I’ve been collaborating with Jim Benson, putting together an online training course on the X-Matrix and Collaborative Strategy.

Three Exciting Lean Agile Events You Really Shouldn’t Miss

Over the next couple of months there are three particular Lean Agile events that I’m involved in which I’d love to see people at!

Kanban Canvas v2.0

I’ve just uploaded a new version of my Kanban Canvas which has some minor updates. These changes more closely reflect how I have been using the canvas, and worked well in my recent training in South Africa. The main difference is in the layout of the Impacts, which are now represented as the corners of a triangle. When identifying impacts, …

Lean-Agile Strategy Days: An X-Matrix and Agendashift Fusion

I’m really excited by a new venture on June 7-8 with Mike Burrows. Its called Lean-Agile Strategy Days, and will be an opportunity for attendees to explore with Mike and myself how we can combine and synthesise the X-Matrix and Agendashift as approaches to Strategy Deployment. From the event page: We’ll be looking at strategy – how to engage people in …

Announcing the X-Matrix Jigsaw Puzzle

The X-Matrix Jigsaw Puzzle is what I call the exercise I use in Strategy Deployment workshops to help people experience creating an X-Matrix in a short space of time. It consists of a pre-defined and generic set of “pieces” with which to populate the various sections, deciding which pieces should go where, and how they fit together. I’ve just created a page …

LeanAgileUS 2017

LeanAgileUS is taking place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on February 27-28th. It has a real mix of great speakers and content, covering all aspects of Lean and Agile including Scrum, SAFe, Kanban, DevOps amongst other topics. I expect it to be an event where people come together for dialogue about different perspectives. I hope to hear more of “That’s interesting, tell …

Dates For Your Diary

I’ve just updated my Calendar page with a couple of conferences coming up, as well as a new date for my Kanban Thinking course. LeanUX15, New York, April 15-19 This is going to be a great event, with a fantastic line-up of speakers, covering a wide range of topics. I’m going to be talking about my current ideas on Strategy …

Kanban Thinking Workshop in London

I have another public Kanban Thinking workshop coming up in London (March 5-6), in collaboration with Agil8, and to fill the last few places, I can offer a discount! Book now, using the code KS25 to get 25% off the standard price, and get 2 days of fun, discover how to design a kanban system by populating a kanban canvas, and …

Looking back on 2014

This is a little later than I would have liked, but 2015 seems to have had a busy start! As I look back on last year, the main thing that stands out for me was my decision to go solo. As a result, the second half of the year was an interesting learning curve for me, and as I look forward …