Showing 101 Result(s)

A Community of Thinkers – For Jean Tabaka

In late 2013, Jean Tabaka, Eric Willeke and Liz Keogh came up with the idea of a Community of Thinkers, with a statement about what that meant to them. Rather than post it centrally, they each posted it individually, and encouraged others to copy and paste if they agreed and supported the notion. I never did. I don’t know why. …

Agility is a Strategy, Agile is a Tactic

Ron Jeffries recently blogged about his reflections on the Agile Manifesto, and what he wished the authors had done and said differently with hindsight. He concluded that he would have rather focussed on practices. I have a different perspective. My concern with an even stronger focus on practice is that it would lead to even more Cargo Culting than we …

Applying the Three Horizons to Agile Conferences

Relaxing after Agile2014, Eric Willeke made an off-hand comment about applying the Three Horizons Model to Agile practices. That struck me as interesting and got me wondering about how the concept could be applied to the Agile conference program. ApplyingI have blogged about the model before as a way of thinking about value (although on reflection I’d now say its more …

Feature Injection, Fidelity and Story Mapping

I’ve recently stumbled into a way of describing mid-range planning with a few teams which combines the language of feature injection, fidelity and story-mapping. As it seems to have been a successful way of communicating how to think about the strategic approach to incrementing and iterating through the work, I thought it would be worth writing down. Before I get …

Management Improvement Carnival

I’m honoured to have been asked by John Hunter to host an edition of his Management Improvement Carnival. That means that I get to pick a number of links to posts and articles on relevant topics. Here they are… Agile Fluency One set of posts that caught my eye was on Agile Fluency. The original post by James Shore and …

An Introduction to Waterfall

I was recently joking with some colleagues about what an “Introduction to Waterfall” course might look like. It turned out to be quite a simple proposition, so I quickly threw some slides together which I feel should be shared with the wide community. Download the PowerPoint from slideshare for full effect, and please feel free to add some slide variations of …

Cynefin, Agile & Lean Mashups

2012 certainly started with a bang for me (lets hope it doesn’t end with a bang!). After a relaxing Christmas and New Year, I was up at 6am on January 2nd to head for Almens in the Swiss Alps, and an intense few days with Simon Bennett, Steve Freeman, Joseph Pelrine and Dave Snowden. We gathered at Joseph’s house to …

Scrum Gathering London – A Blast From the Past

At the Scrum Gathering in London this October, I had a bit of a flash-back to the last time the Gathering was in London. At that event, during the Open Space, I announced a Kanban session with words along the lines of “My team recently stopped using Scrum and our productivity has improved”. As I recall it, there was an …

Starting An Agile Transition With Why

In March this year I gave this keynote at the Rally Agile Success Tour in London. This is a video of the talk, followed by a write-up. The slides can be downloaded from here. People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it. Simon Sinek says that this is the fundamental reasoning behind what he refers to …

Agile Thinking

Over the last few years I’ve been looking to ideas outside the traditional software development community to help me understand and improve the way I work and help teams. I’ve realised that there’s something in common with nearly all of them; Lean Thinking, Systems Thinking, Complexity Thinking and in just the last few weeks I’ve come across an increasing number …