Predictability v Efficiency (or not)

Allan Kelly blogged recently about whether kanban systems trade predictability for efficiency.  Its an interesting viewpoint, but I’m not entirely sure I agree! Firstly, I don’t believe any agile process gives predictability.  One of the reasons for preferring agile methods is that software development just isn’t predictable.  Rather, I would say that agile methods can give reliability and that both …

In order to achieve some value…

Liz Keogh says “RIP As a… I want… So that…” (via David Anderson). This also ties in with what Chris Matts has being describing as Feature Injection. What I like about this idea is that it provides the link between the MMF and the User Story. Liz proposes a new format: In order to <achieve some value> As a <role> …

XP2008 – Day 5

The final morning of the conference was faily quiet again. I did go to “The Agile Technique Hour” which was fun and interesting. David Parsons has posted the materials online, but in brief, we were split into teams in order to deliver features, which were drawings on functionality on overhead acetate. The features were integrated by overlaying the acetate sheats. …

XP2008 – Day 4

An excellent workshop by Mary and Tom Poppendieck today entitled “Stop Thrashing: Pull Schedule Techniques for Level Workflow”.  It really left me buzzing, for two reasons.  Firstly, Mary talked about her real experiences implementing a kanban system at 3M which was fascinating, and secondly, I ended up being invited up to the front to share my experiences with implementing a …

XP2008 – Day 3

Dave Snowden‘s keynote was entertaining and interesting, although quite a lot of it went over my head.  Dave talked about the need to understand why something works in order for it to scale, with reference to agile development.  His work covers Complex Adaptive Systems, Cognitive Systems and Evolutionary Phsycology and Anthropology. Some points which stuck out for me were: Adopt …

XP2008 – Day 2

I went to Jeff Patton‘s tutorial on User Story Mapping this afternoon.  I first met Jeff in London last year at XP Day and the Scrum Gathering.  We talked about kanban, and his ideas, and the two seemed very compatible, so I was keen to see how they matched in more detail.  Jeff has also been working with former Yahoo! …

XP2008 – Day 1

I’m at XP2008 in Limerick this week. Today was pretty quiet as its all tutorials for the first couple of days, which cost extra, so I didn’t actually go to anything. However, I did hang around and catch up with some old friends. In particular, I had an interesting chat with Tom Poppendieck about my experiences with kanban systems. Tom …

Upcoming Conference Presentations

I’m really pleased to have had a number of submissions accepted for various conferences this year. I’ve added details onto my Calendar page. In particular I’ve had 3 talks accepted for Agile2008 in Toronto, one of which is a workshop called KFC Development. I’m really looking forward to sharing my thoughts and getting feedback from attendees which I hope will …

Agile North Spring Mini Conference

I gave a short presentation at the Agile North April Mini Conference last Saturday. It was a great half day, and possibly the first Agile conference without any reference to Scrum or XP! Just Real Options and Kanban with Portia Tung, Pascal Van Cauwenbergh, David Anderson and myself. I’ve added my slides to the downloads page. The talk was also …

KFC Development

I’ve been referring to my latest thinking on development process as KFC Development. Its a bit of a gimmicky name, which makes it memorable, but there is some meaning behind it. KFC stands for Kanban, Flow and Cadence – three lean concepts which I think are important and complementary. Kanban – Kanban is the mechanism which controls the workflow and …