Fidelity – The Lost Dimension of the Iron Triangle

One the topics that I find a lot of people find particularly interesting and useful is that of Fidelity in software. This generally comes up while I’m talking about incrementing and iterating, and the difference between the two. I’ve already touched on this when discussed whether a Kanban System eschews iteration. This post will build on that, and describe what …

Kanban Trail Markers

When talking about Kanban Systems for Software Development, I always try to emphasis that the Kanban System is more than the tool, and is a System that should be owned by the team, rather than being imposed upon it. By owning it, and being part of creating it, a team are more likely to evolve the system as part of …

Lean Software & Systems Conference 2010 Atlanta

The first Lean Software & Systems Conference will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA between April 21st and 23rd 2010. Registration and the Call for Papers is now open at The first 50 registrants enjoy a super early discount rate of $800 plus entry to the exclusive speaker luncheon and a special limited edition Ltd WIP Society t-shirt, sponsored …

Skills Matter Lean and Kanban Exchange

I’m going to be speaking as part of the Skills Matter Lean and Kanban Exchange on December 1st. From their website: The aim of the Lean & Kanban eXchange is to promote awareness and adoption of Lean and Kanban ideas and techniques. With David J. Anderson providing the conference keynote and two Parkbench sessions, the programme is structured to encourage …

Outcomes and Sync Steps

I met up with Jean Tabaka last week for a coffee and we chatted over various things, including Lean, Kanban, “The Don”, Tufte, and Systems Thinking. One of the other areas was around the origins and original intents of Scrum. Jean mentioned an early paper(*) by Jeff Sutherland, written before the current terminology became standard, where he described his process …

New and (Hopefully) Improved AvailAgility

After over a year of blogging, I finally decided that it was time to move off and invest in an independently hosted version that gave me some more flexibility. So today I bit the bullet and grabbed ( is being redirected, so all the old links should work). If you see anything which looks odd, or find any …

A New Lean And Agile Picture

David Harvey posted a brilliant piece on his blog entitled “The Scrum Picture is Wrong”. I highly recommend reading it. His ideas and suggestions for an alternative Scrum picture got me thinking about how to visualise Lean and Agile software development in a process or label agnostic way. David’s picture looked like a figure of eight, and there seemed to …

Is Kanban A Relabeling of Scrum?

Firstly, this post is not an attempt to be divisive or competitive. Instead it is meant to be exploratory. What would it mean for the statement in the title to be true? Actually, the full statement was “People have so misunderstood Scrum, that they’ve reinvented it and called it Kanban”. It was made by Jim Coplien at Scan-Agile, after (but …

5 Steps to Kanban in Cambridge

I’ll be talking about 5 Steps to Kanban at Software East on November 19th. From the website: This event will take place at Red Gate Software, Newnham House, Cambridge Business Park. See the location map for Red Gate Software. BOOK NOW for this event. Tickets (including light buffet) £15 if booked on or before 16th November, £25 thereafter. Places strictly …

Evolving a Workflow

Mary Poppendieck gave a talk on Workflow is Orthogonal to Schedule at Agile2009, during which she very neatly transitioned a schedule-focused view of work, into a flow-focussed view. At least I thought it was neat, so I’m going to try and reproduce the basic elements here, using my favourite agile workflow. 4 Week Time-box Schedule Here we have a schedule …