That’s Not My Agile…

“That’s Not My Agile” is the keynote title I just gave at Lean Agile London this week. (Slides available). It was inspired by the many debates, discussions and diatribes I see on social media about the state of Agile and people’s opinions on what is right and wrong. Is it dead or alive, or does it need reinventing, revitalising, rewilding or reinvigorating? The phrase, and my opening content, is a parody of the wonderful series of baby books from Usborne. The cover is based on the Train book because that seems to be a metaphor used by the Agile community!

A parody book cover for That's Not My Agile, based on the baby book That's Not My Train.  It has a drawing of a train, with a small mouse in the drivers cab.

The more serious content of the talk was about “Outcome-Oriented, Continuous Transformation, Engagaing Everyone Everywhere“. Since that post I have built on and expanded some of my thinking and tied it more directly to Strategy Deplyoment and the X-Matrix.

I promised I would share the content for my That’s Not My Agile parody, so here it is…

That's not my Agile, its batch size is too large.
That's not my Agile, its timebox is too long.
That's not my Agile, its tests are too slow.
That's not my Agile, its stand-ups are sat down.
That's not my Agile, its backlog is too long.
That's not my Agile, its OKRs are too targetty.
That's not my Agile, its team has too many people.
That's not my Agile, its picture is too big.
That's not my Agile, its velocity is normalised.

I’m sure there are many more ideas, and we could create a while series of variations! Let me know what yours are.

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