Going Solo

There is often a time when singers and songwriters who have always been part of a band, decide to pursue a solo project. Well, I feel I can empathise with that situation, and having always worked for someone else, I’ve decided its time to go out on my own.

I’m now an independent Lean Agile Consultant, providing services to help businesses become Learning Organisations. I hope to be able to focus more time on developing Kanban Thinking as something which develops problem solvers. More on this very soon!

If you think I might be able to help you, and would like to discuss and explore possibilities, then please contact me via KarlScotland.com



  1. Welcome to the jungle Karl! Good look matey.

  2. Congratations! Let me know of I can be of help. I hope this only accelerates your output of innovative thought!

  3. Good luck Karl! This world is big enough for all of us. You will do fine

  4. Congratulations on your move. Great to have well rounded consultants in the community.

  5. You’re in for a fascinating experience. All the best!

  6. Good luck! It’s a bit of a rollercoaster going solo, but so many people I speak to tell me it’s the best thing they ever did.

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